Please read the following information about posting in the GFX Showcase board. Make sure you read this thread carefully and thoroughly before posting to avoid a locked thread and or removal of your graphics.
Rules and Guidelines
1) Plagiarism is NOT permitted. Do not post work that belongs to someone else and try to claim it as your own. You will be caught, and it is not tolerated.
2) Critiquing graphics is one reason we share our work. When someone asks from Constructive Criticism or Critique on their work be respectful and truthful. Post a well written, well thought out message to tell them about their art. Please do not post things like "Awesome, That's great, Good Job, etc.," Make sure you tell them why you do or don't like what they are sharing.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this thread, I can't wait to see some of your work.
Rules and Guidelines
1) Plagiarism is NOT permitted. Do not post work that belongs to someone else and try to claim it as your own. You will be caught, and it is not tolerated.
2) Critiquing graphics is one reason we share our work. When someone asks from Constructive Criticism or Critique on their work be respectful and truthful. Post a well written, well thought out message to tell them about their art. Please do not post things like "Awesome, That's great, Good Job, etc.," Make sure you tell them why you do or don't like what they are sharing.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this thread, I can't wait to see some of your work.